Alloy 825 Schedule Pipe

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Alloy 825 Seamless Nickel Pipe

UNS N08825 / W.Nr. 2.4858

COMMON TRADE NAMES: Incoloy® 825, Inc825, Sanicro® 41

Alloy 825 is a nickel-chromium-iron solid solution strengthened alloy with a nominal chemical composition of 42% nickel, 21% chromium, and 22% iron, plus additions of molybdenum, titanium, and copper. It is commonly referred to by the tradename Incoloy® 825 and the universal designation UNS N08825.


Corrosion graphic

Corrosion Resistance

Alloy 825 has good corrosion resistance in many environments, including reducing and oxidizing acids, organic acids, seawater, salts, and alkalis. It is particularly resistant to sulfuric and phosphoric acids. The molybdenum addition gives Alloy 825 good resistance to chloride-induced localized corrosion, including pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Additionally, alloy 825 has good oxidation resistance.
Service Temperature

Service Temperature

Alloy 825 is used at temperatures from cryogenic up to 1000°F (540°C). The use of Alloy 825 at temperatures above 1000°F (538°C) is not recommended as harmful phases can form with a negative effect on impact toughness and ductility.
Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties

Alloy 825 can be provided in the annealed condition or strengthened through the pilger process. Alloy 825 maintains useful mechanical properties up to about 1000°F (538°C) and good toughness down to cryogenic temperatures.
heat treatment logo

Heat Treatment

Alloy 825 cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. For elevated temperature applications or where the product is to be welded, a stabilization anneal around 1725°F (940°C) is recommended. At this temperature, the carbon is tied up as titanium carbides. This prevents precipitation of chromium carbides at the grain boundaries (i.e., sensitization) from occurring in service or during welding. For optimum toughness and ductility, a higher temperature anneal may be performed.


Alloy 825 is friendly to both hot working and cold working.


Alloy 825 is widely used in oil and gas applications. Other uses include chemical process equipment, exhaust systems, and power generation. CRA offers specialty alloy 825 seamless pipe & tube for use in multiple industries and applications, including:

  • Exhaust Systems
  • Power Generation
  • Oil & Gas
  • Chemical Process Equipment

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Chemical Composition

≤ 0.0519.5 - 23.538 - 46BAL≤ 1≤ 0.52.5 - 3.51.5 - 3≤ 0.03≤ 0.030.6 - 1.2≤ 0.2
(mass %)


ASTM B163, ASTM B423, ASME SB163, ASME SB423

Specified Mechanical Properties in Annealed Condition

Per ASTM B163 / ASTM B423

Tensile StrengthYield StrengthElongationHardness
minimum, ksiminimum, ksiminimum, %HRB
*Higher strength properties can be provided in the cold hardened condition.

Typical Physical Properties

Thermal ExpansionX10-6/°F-
Elastic Modulus103 ksi28.327.927.12625.223.5222.37
Poisson Ratio-
Thermal ConductivityBtu-in/h·ft2·°F-8597.5109.6119.7139152
Specific HeatBtu/lb·°F0.1050.110.1170.1230.1230.130.14
Yield Strengthksi35302625231211
Tensile Strengthksi85777573715244

Manufacturing Process

Steel MakingElectric Arc Furnace followed by Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization (VOD) or Argon Oxygen Decarburization (AOD).
Pipe MakingConventional Seamless Cold Finished Pipe and Tube Manufacturing Processes.
Heat TreatmentCannot be hardened by heat treatment. May be provided in the annealed or cold hardened condition.

Manufacturing Capabilities

CRA offers this alloy in:
Seamless Pipe & Tube

MIN OD: 2-1/16″ (2.0625″)
MAX OD: 10-3/4″ (10.750”)
THICKNESS: Up to 1.925”
LENGTHS: Up to 70′

Standard & Non-Standard Sizes Available.

Manufactured Material Available as Quickly as 1 Week.

Non-Standard Mill Quantities Accommodated