Paint-Banding Identification Method for OCTG

Corrosion Resistant Alloys > White Paper > Industry Standards > Paint-Banding Identification Method for OCTG

Paint-banding is an approved color code labeling method for quick identification of OCTG casing and tubing standardized by API 5CRA/5CT.

Though there can be some variance among manufacturers, CRA labels in accordance with API specification 5CRA/ ISO 13680. To this standard, color bands are painted around the circumference of the pipe near the end of the product and run mill to field, or box to pin-end. The three-band color-coding sequence identifies the pipe material category and grade. The first two paint bands, closest to the mill or box-end, represent the material category, such as alloy 2550 or 2535. The third band identifies the material grade or minimum yield strength of the material, such as 110 or 125 ksi.

Paint-Banding Color Code
Paint-banding identifies CRA manufactured 2550 and 2535 in accordance to API Spec 5CRA.